30/09/2013 – Opera section: PRESS RELEASE
For immediate release
San Marino, September 29 2013
Swiss-French mezzosoprano Eve-Maud Hubeaux (1988) has been awarded the First Prize at the 5th International Voice Competition in San Marino. With her performance of Cruda sorte, amor tiranno from L’Italiana in Algeri by Rossini –with the Orchestra Sinfonica di San Marino conducted by Edoardo Müller – Hubeaux has charmed the pace Teatro Nuovo. Besides 10.000 euros, the young singer has obtained to perform at the Opéra de Lyon and the prize as youngest woman competitor sponsored by Soroptimist.
The Second Prize – 6.000 euros – has gone to South Korean bariton Kyu Bong Lee, 30, who has also been awarded the prize as youngest man finalist sponsored by Lions’ Club.
Marina Nachkebiya, 26 years old soprano from Georgia, was awarded the Third Prize (4.000 euros).
The Audience Award, sponsored by Kiwanis, was awarded to US soprano Jeannette Vecchione-Donatti (1984) who has impressed the greatest part of the audience with a captivating performance of Glitter and be gay from Candide by Leonard Bernstein.
Carlo Vistoli, who had already won the Frist Prize of the Antique and Baroque section – a new introduction by artistic director Angelo Nicastro – has also received the Rotary prize.
The Tebaldi Foundation, while bidding farewell and annoucing the 2015 edition of the competition, has thanked institutions, partners and sponsors who assure continuity to this event whose prestige – as Serge Dorny, president of the international jury has often highlighted in these days of work with his colleagues – is internationally perceived in evident and strong increase.
Press Office
Fondazione Renata Tebaldi
Isella Marzocchi
- Niksa Simetovic, chairman of the Foundation, Eve-Maud Hubeuax, Serge Dorny, president of the international jury
- Eve-Maud Hubeaux and M° Edoardo Müller
- Niksa Simetovic, Kyu Bong Lee, Serge Dorny
- Marina Nachkebiya and Serge Dorny
- The winners, the international jury, the artistic director, Ernestina Viganò and the staff
30/09/2013 – Opera section: THE WINNERS
On Saturday 28th September the 5th edition of Renata Tebaldi International Voice Competition ended with the final prize-giving of the Opera section.
At the end of the performances of the finalists, accompanied by the Orchestra Sinfonica della Repubblica di San Marino directed by M° Edoardo Müller, the jury convened and assigned the:
1st prize and prize granted by Their Excellencies the Captains Regent of the Republic of San Marino – 10.000,00 euro
Besides the cash prize, a contract/agreement will be offered by the President of the Jury.
Eve-Maud Hubeaux
2nd prize – 6.000,00 euro
Kyu Bong Lee
3rd prize – 4.000,00 euro
Marina Nachkebiya
Jeanette Vecchione-Donatti received the prize assigned by the audience offered by Kiwanis International San Marino.
In addition the Soroptimist International of Europe Club San Marino, the Lions Club San Marino Undistricted e the Rotary International San Marino offered scholarships respectively to:
– Eve-Maud Hubeaux as youngest female finalist in the Opera section
– Kyu Bong Lee as youngest male finalist in the Opera section
– Carlo Vistoli as youngest finalist in the Ancient and Baroque Repertoire
- Eve- Maud Hubeaux – 1st prize
and prize granted by Their
Excellencies the Captains Regent - Kyu Bong Lee – 2nd prize
- Marina Nachkebiya – 3rd prize
- Jeanette Vecchione-Donatti – scholarship for
the most voted by the audience
27/09/2013 – Ancient & Baroque: the Winners Concert record
On Sunday evening backstage at Teatro Titano one breathed a magical mix of tension and excitement, resolution and expectation. The three finalists of the Antique and Baroque section – a new addition introduced this year by the artistic director of the Tebaldi Foundation Angelo Nicastro, appointed in 2012 – have followed one another onstage with the accompaniment of the Orchestra Barocca del Conservatorio Bruno Maderna of Cesena conducted by Gabriele Raspanti.
The first to sing was Giuseppina Bridelli, who rendered a particularly intense interpretation of Dove sei, amato bene? from Rodelinda, regina de’ Longobardi by Händel. The peculiar voice of the young countertenor Carlo Vistoli has charmed the audience – very few were the free seats in the parterre – with Pallido il sole by Hasse, while the grace of Julie Fioretti, in San Marino from Paris, has highlighted a delicate version of a rare Bach cantata.
The three singers have been alternating onstage for the evening, leaving room to a brief talk in which Sergio Barducci of the State Television of San Marino has interviewed Roberto Valducci, a generous philantropist and supporter of the work of the Tebaldi Foundation since the first edition of the competition, and the Secretary of State for Culture Giuseppe Maria Morganti.
The winners announcement by both the president of the jury Didier de Cottignies and the president of the Tebaldi Foundation Niksa Simetovic – first prize Vistoli, followed by Fioretti and Bridelli – has been surrounded by great excitement and joy! And now the work is in progress to select the winners of the Opera section…
- The prize-giving: Giuseppina Bridelli, Julie Fioretti, Carlo Vistoli, Niksa Simetovic, chairman of the Tebaldi Foundation, Didier de Cottignies, president of the Ancient and Baroque Repertoire jury.
- Julie Fioretti, Carlo Vistoli, Giuseppina Bridelli
- Angelo Nicastro, artistic director of the Tebaldi Foundation, Vincenzo De Vivo, Didier de Cottignies, Anne Blanchard, Gloria Banditelli and Brian Dickie.
- Elizabeth Norberg-Schulz at work.
- M° Müller at work using the new system with tablet computers.
26/09/2013 – Opera section: THE FINALISTS
The international jury selected as admitted candidates to the final phase of the 5th Renata Tebaldi International Voice Competition, rigorously in alphabetical order:
Antonella Carpenito
Anna Gorbachyova
Eve-Maud Hubeaux
Jana Jovanovic
Ilona Krzywicka
Kyu Bong Lee
Diana Mian
Marina Nachkebiya
Ji Sang Ryu
Jeanette Vecchione-Donatti
The finalists will perform during the Winners Concert taking place on Saturday, the 28th September at 9.15p.m. at the Teatro Nuovo, San Marino.
25/09/2013 – Opera section: THE SEMI-FINALISTS
The international jury selected as admitted candidates to the semi-final phase of the 5th Renata Tebaldi International Voice Competition, rigorously in alphabetical order:
Antonella Carpenito
Teona Dvali
Karl Peter Eriksson
Sara Fanin
Albina Fayzurova
Daniel Giulianini
Anna Gorbachyova
Eve-Maud Hubeaux
Yun Jang
Jana Jovanovic
Ilona Krzywicka
Kyu Bong Lee
Rosanna Lo Greco
Diana Mian
Marina Nachkebiya
Ryu Ji Sang
Adam Smith
Jeanette Vecchione-Donatti
25/09/2013 – Opera section: eliminatory phase
Yesterday the section of the Competition dedicated to Opera had its beginning with the jury listening to the first group of the candidates admitted to this section.
This evening, at the end of the auditions relative to the eliminatory phase, the jury will select the candidates that tomorrow, day dedicated to the semi-final phase, will contend the admission to the final Winners Concert taking place on Saturday, the 28th.
23/09/2013 – Ancient & Baroque Repertoire section: THE WINNERS
The wonderful Sunday evening, in the setting of Teatro Titano, gave to the Competition history the first winners of the 5th edition.
The jury bestowed all three prizes to the finalists and specifically:
First prize and prize granted by Their Excellencies the Captains Regent of the Republic of San Marino – 5.000,00 euro
Besides the cash prize, a contract/agreement will be offered by the President of the Jury.
Carlo Vistoli
Second prize – 3.000,00 euro
Julie Fioretti
Third prize – 1.500,00 euro
Giuseppina Bridelli
On 28th September Carlo Vistoli will perform again during the Concert dedicated to the proclaiming of the Opera section winners.
Play here the performance of the winner Pallido il sole
22/09/2013 – Ancient & Baroque Repertoire section: the Winners Concert program
This evening at 9.15p.m. in the warm atmosphere of Teatro Titano, the Orchestra Barocca del Conservatorio Bruno Maderna di Cesena will accompany the three finalists:
Giuseppina Bridelli | Italia | mezzosoprano
Carlo Vistoli | Italia | controtenore
Julie Fioretti | Francia | soprano
G.F. Händel Concerto grosso il sol maggiore op.VI n.1
A tempo giusto – Allegro – Adagio – Allegro – Allegro
G.F. Händel Dove sei, amato bene?
Rodelinda, regina de’ Longobardi
J.A. Hasse Pallido il sole
J.S. Bach Phöbus eilt mit schnellen Pferden
Cantata BWV 202
C. Monteverdi E pur io torno qui, qual linea al centro
L’ Incoronazione di Poppea
L.N. Clérambault L’amour règne dans leurs âmes
Cantate Zéphire et Flore
C. Monteverdi Disprezzata regina
L’ Incoronazione di Poppea
N. Fontei Peste amorosa
G.F. Händel But who my abide the day of His coming?
The Messiah
A. Vivaldi Ho il cor già lacero
- Giuseppina Bridelli
Mezzosoprano – Italia - Carlo Vistoli
Controtenore – Italia - Julie Fioretti
Soprano – Francia
22/09/2013 – International Renata Tebaldi Competition: encounters
An artistic path enlightened by an encounter:
thanks to Renata Tebaldi’s voice, Jay Bernfeld, Julie Fioretti’s accompanist, started to play the viol (or viola da gamba).
“When Renata retired from singing I searched for a musical instrument that could give me the very same vibrations of her voice” – Jay Bernfeld
21/09/2013 – Ancient & Baroque Repertoire section: the finalists
At the end of the auditions of the admitted candidates at the Ancient & Baroque Repertoire of the Renata Tebaldi International Competition, the jury selected 3 finalists, admitted to the Winners Concert:
– Giuseppina Bridelli, mezzo-soprano (Italy)
– Julie Fioretti, soprano (France)
– Carlo Vistoli, countertenor (Italy)
The Winners Concert will take place tomorrow (Sunday, 22nd September, 9.15p.m.) at Teatro Titano, San Marino with the participation of the Orchestra Barocca del Conservatorio Bruno Maderna.
19/09/2013 – Renata Tebaldi International Competition Ancient & Baroque Repertoire section: Prizes
First prize and prize granted by Their Excellencies the Captains Regent of the Republic of San Marino – 5.000,00 euro*
*besides the cash prize the President of the Jury will offer a contract/agreement
Second prize – 3.000,00 euro
Third prize – 1.500,00 euro
San Marino, 16 settembre 2013
“Due to the disease he has recently publicly announced, Gerard Mortier will not be able to preside the Jury of the Opera section at the upcoming Renata Tebaldi International Voice Competition. The Direction of the Tebaldi Foundation, in accordance with Gerard Mortier, has invited Serge Dorny to preside over the Jury. We thank Serge Dorny for having immediately made himself available immediately by accepting our invitation. To Maestro Mortier our best wishes for a quick recovery”.
Niksa Simetovic
Presidente Fondazione Tebaldi
Angelo Nicastro
Direttore Artistico Fondazione Tebaldi
Ufficio Stampa
Isella Marzocchi
19/09/2013 – International Voice Competition: admitted candidates
The candidates that have passed through the preliminary selection and therefore admitted to the Renata Tebaldi International Voice Competition – 5th edition:
– Ancient & Baroque Repertoire section
Bridelli Giuseppina (Italy)
Fioretti Julie (France)
Giannotti Angela Gaetana (Italy)
Linkova Darina (Bulgaria)
Martino Alessia (Italy)
Moellenhoff Lydia (United States)
Nazarov Ilham (Azerbaijan)
Paone Sara (Italy)
Vistoli Carlo (Italy)
Vosyliute Ruta (Lithuania)
– Opera section
Brezičanin Miljana (Serbia)
Carpenito Antonella (Italy)
Dvali Teona (Georgia)
Eriksson Karl Peter (Sweden)
Fanin Sara (Italy)
Fayruzova Albina (Russia)
Gabaldon Aurelio (Spain)
Giulianini Daniel (Italy)
Gorbachyova Anna (Russia)
Hubeaux Eve-Maud (Switzerland/France)
Iervolino Teresa (Italy)
Jang Yun (South Korea)
Jensen Sofie Elkjær (Denmark)
Jovanovic Jana (Serbia)
Kim Eun Hee (South Korea)
Kim Eui Sung (South Korea)
Krzywicka Ilona (Poland)
Lee Kyu Bong (South Korea)
Lee Hyung Woo (South Korea)
Li Wei (China)
Lo Greco Rosanna (Italy)
Lupu Nicolae (Romania)
Malakhovskaya Elena (Russia)
Mian Diana (Italy)
Mihaylov Vesselin (Bulgaria)
Nachkebiya Marina (Georgia)
Park Bin (South Korea)
Rotondi Margherita (Italy)
Ryu Ji Sang (South Korea)
Schulz (Stein) Julia (Germany)
Shafigullina Gulnara (Russia)
Simon Michelle Chandra (Minou) (Germany)
Smith Adam (United Kingdom)
Sridhar Janani (Singapore)
Tisba Sarah (Italy)
Torbidoni Marta (Italy)
Vecchione-Donatti Jeanette (United States)
Vlad Gheorghe (Romania)
Wu Yue (China)
Zubieta Miriam (Spain)