In homage to Renata Tebaldi

Two events organized to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the passing of the great soprano (2004-2014)

A kaleidoscope of emotions characterized the two events which the Renata Tebaldi Foundation organized in December 2014 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the passing of the great soprano.
On 1st December, an opera concert took place at Teatro Titano.

Deep emotions permeated the whole venue from the foyer, where two precious dresses owned by Tebaldi were on display, to the stalls and the stage whereEve-Maud Hubeaux – the mezzo-soprano who ranked first in the Opera section at the 2013 edition of the Renata Tebaldi International Voice Competition – opened the evening accompanied on the piano by Raffaele Cortesi and fascinated the audience with her elegance. Carlo Vistoli e Julie Fioretti – who ranked first and second respectively in the Ancient and Baroque Repertoire section at the 2013 edition of the Competition – opened the second part of the event on the notes of Händel, accompanied by  Fuoco e Cenere diretti da Jay Bernfeld.

Singing in San Marino is always a great emotion”, commented Korean bass Kyu Bong Lee at the end of the concert. “It is a place where you can breathe freedom and history”.
The same feelings permeate the words of young tenor Davide Giusti: “Every time I come to San Marino, I live again my victory at the 2011 edition of the Competition. And tonight, when we saw M° Muti in the audience, so many thoughts crowded all together in my mind and recovering concentration was really difficult! Another great opportunity which the Renata Tebaldi International Voice Competition has given me by surprise”.
Romina Tomasoni agrees with Giusti:
“Besides the emotion of celebrating Tebaldi, I was proud to perform for such an idol of music worldwide”.
Even more intimate was the feeling of soprano Anna Kasyan, who held back her emotion with great difficulty so inspired she was by the memory of Renata Tebaldi: “My recollections about the artist and the fascination of this wonderful church have been the foundations on which I played my part”.

Just out of curiosity. The flower arrangements were provided by Fior di Verbena, who used Renata Tebaldi’s favourite flowers!
Thanks to Mara Verbena for her research and art.


1st December 2014

Concerto al Teatro Titano

19th December 2014

Basilica del Santo San Marino

21 December 2013 – Christmas Concert

In memory of Renata Tebaldi 

In memory of Renata Tebaldi, the San Marino Music Institute joined the Renata Tebaldi Foundation in a performance to remember the great soprano, one of the most extraordinary Opera singers of all times, on the occasion of her passing away on 19 December 2004 in San Marino, a city she deeply loved.

The programme of the 2013 Christmas Concert was dedicated to Giuseppe Verdi: a due homage to the father of Italian melodrama in the bicentenary of his birth. The Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of San Marino, conducted by Maestro Valerio Galli, performed some of the most beautiful pages of Verdi’s repertoire: from the symphonies from Nabucco and La Traviata to the arias from Il Trovatore, Falstaff and Don Carlos.

Thanks to the collaboration with the Rebata Tebaldi Foundation, the protagonists of the concert were two singers who were awarded prizes at the latest edition of the Renata Tebaldi International Voice Competition: the Georgian soprano Marina Nachkebiva and the Korean baritone Kyu Bong Lee.

“Omaggio a Renata” – the Concert hold on 18 December 2012

The Renata Tebaldi Foundation supports music for earthquake victims

Niksa Simetovic, Chairman of the Renata Tebaldi Foundation and Roberto Pignatti, Chairman of the Fondazione Carlo Guglielmo Andreoli di Mirandola (MO) o which the proceeds of the concert have been given. With them in the photo also Giovanni Iwanejko, Chairman of the Associazione Sammarinese Cuore-Vita.


In occasione dell’ottavo anniversario della scomparsa del grande soprano, la Fondazione Renata Tebaldi ha organizzato un concerto che ha riportato sul palcoscenico del Teatro Titano alcuni dei vincitori delle passate edizioni del Concorso Internazionale di Canto Renata Tebaldi: i soprano Anna KasyanTeresa SedlmairJaeeun Lee, il mezzosoprano Romina Tomasoni, il tenore Davide Giusti, il baritono Filippo Bettoschi e il basso Kwang Ho Choiaccompagnati al pianoforte da Elisa Cerri e Davide Cavalli.

“La scelta di destinare il ricavato del nostro consueto concerto in memoria di Renata Tebaldi alla Fondazione Andreoli deriva da una duplice considerazione. Sostenere l’educazione musicale a partire dai più piccoli, attività in cui l’istituzione modenese è ormai un consolidato punto di riferimento e modello nazionale e internazionale, e intervenire laddove il sisma della scorsa primavera ha messo a dura prova popolazione e territorio, così, proprio come Renata Tebaldi aveva stabilito di destinare l’incasso del suo ultimo concerto al Teatro alla Scala di Milano nel 1976 alle vittime del terremoto in Friuli, la Fondazione intitolata alla memoria dell’interprete e da lei stessa voluta per formare i cantanti e il pubblico di domani, ha individuato la Fondazione Andreoli.
Colgo l’occasione per ringraziare tutti coloro che hanno risposto a questo appello e, in particolare, l’Associazione Sammarinese Cuore-Vita per aver aderito con una generosa offerta.
L’auspicio che rivolgiamo a quest’importante realtà emilano-romagnola è che possa proseguire nella propria attività di divulgazione, perché ‘La musica può nominare l’innominabile e comunicare l’inconoscibile’, come diceva Leonard Bernstein”.
Il Presidente Niksa Simetovic

Nel corso della serata sono stati nominati Soci Onorari della Fondazione Renata Tebaldi
Edoardo Müller

Vincenzo Ramón Bisogni

“Omaggio a Renata”

18th december 2012